Thursday, May 9, 2013

2013_05_08 Amsterdam

Got to Amsterdam after a 8.5 hour flight, made a bit worse by a mechanical delay leaving O'Hare.  A mechanic had to try and fix a leak in one of the kitchen galleys!  So we sat at the gate and then on the runway for an additional 45 minutes. Once we got airborne it was a pretty good flight.  The 2 seats directly in front of us were broken so no one could sit in them.  This was great because obviously no one could then recline back into our knees.  

The arrivals area at Schiphol International was huge but we figured out how to get some Euros and we were off to our hotel.  A little bit more about that.  Everybody in Europe uses credit cards that have an  embedded C-Chip.  Everybody but us that is!  This chip allows for the entry of a security code to prevent fraud.  So, basically our credit card is useless except at our hotel.  Marriott will allow us to use it to pay hotel incidentals, etc.  

Ok, back to the day.  After we collected our bags and cleared customs we purchased train tickets in advance for out Thursday trip to Leiden and Keukenhof Gardens.  Think tulips!  With that out of the way we found the bus stop and got right on board and got to our hotel.  This took about 30 minutes (8 Euros paid onboard) and dropped us off right across the street from out hotel for the next 3 nights in Amsterdam.

Checked in and Connie really wanted to take a nap!  So, I went out and explored for a while and got us some ham and cheese from a little supermarket for our "lunch".  Walked around and started dodging the bicycles!  This is as close to China from a bike standpoint as I have ever seen.  You have to look both ways all the time!  It seems every person in Amsterdam is blasting around on a bike.  And not a helmet in sight!  Bike lanes, tram lines (think streetcars) and pretty much organized chaos reigns!  Connie rested 3 hours and I got the general lay of the land down.  

During these 3 hours I walked over to where RIch and Gayle are staying and left them a note to say were were here, etc. They and 4 others were off on a day trip.  We were all to meet for dinner later at 8:00 and I tried to make some arrangements as to where to meet.  Tried is the optimum word.

There are a million cafes that offer free WIFI so I was sitting and checking emails and trying to connect with Mackenzie and Sarah at an appropriate hour.  We were able to do a quick Face Time with them while we sat having coffee and hot chocolate before dinner.  It was good to see them!

Everybody has free WIFI but the hotel we are staying at!  Pretty annoying as my phone doesn't work in Europe so I am traveling blind most of the day (at least in my mind).  

Amsterdam has so many canals!  It's pretty easy to get around on foot - and we spent the time from 3 until 8 (dinner time) seeing some of the major sights.  Lots of huge churches, the Royal Palace all in a slight drizzle.  So Connie and I walked pretty much for 5 hours until we met 4 others for dinner.  RIch and Gayle, and David and Carol Tivoli and the two of us met at a Spanish tapas restaurant called Tasca Bellota.  Great food - nice roasted veggies and chicken skewers plus some lamb meatballs for Connie and I.  I ALWAYS get meatballs when offered at a Spanish place because I just like saying ALBONDEGAS!  A beautiful seafood pallella for the other 4.  Delicious.  Back to the hotel and a good nights sleep.  

Typical canal scene.  Boats and bikes!

Bike lanes, tram tracks - Amsterdam!

Connie in front of one of MANY cheese stores.  Gotta get some Gouda!     By the way - it's pronounced like GOWDA with a sort of guttural G at the beginning  And we did.  A nice fellow at a cheese counter in a supermarket explained quite a bit about cheese to us (along with some samples).

A tram car decorated like an opera house! 

Royal Palace - Dam Plaza.  This is where the Queen recently abdicated her throne to the first King (Wilhelm) in Holland for quite a while.  I watched the throngs here on t.v. just last week.  It must have been quite something to have been here!

The National Monument - Across a street from the Royal Palace.

Me in front of the monument

Another canal shot

Connie trying to get her work phone to work.  It never does.  Having some coffee waiting for our friends to appear for dinner.


I woke up at 5 (now) to write this so I don't forget too much. Back for a little more sleep (hopefully) and we're off around 7:30 for another adventure!  I went out to try and get some free WIFI only to find that nothing opens until 8.  And it's cold outside (maybe lower 50's?) with a threat of rain and a stiff wind.  Not so good for a tulip garden trip.  Hopefully it will warm up a bit later.  Interesting to see the streets almost completely empty.  Just the ocassional manic bike rider. 

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