Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Got an early morning call from Josh saying I should head to the hospital as Sarah was ready to have our first grandchild soon.  I dropped Connie off at the train and then remembered I had no idea what hospital they were at!  I know I wrote it down somewhere where I wouldn't forget, but you know how that goes......

Called Sarah's phone and Josh filled me in with the details:

St Anthony Hospital in Crown Point, Indiana.

Showered up and tried to slow down for a few minutes and have a bite to eat.  Then off to the wilds of Indiana.

Eventually I got there.

Checked in with the nice lady at the information desk around 9:30 and headed up to the Birth Center on the 7th floor.  

Pass to room 710

Entered the waiting room and saw a large contingent:  Josh's Mom and Dad Lorry and Bill plus sister Abby and her husband Zach AND little Emily plus Abby's mother-in-law to boot.

Sarah was literally in the next room (710).  They told me to go look in on Sarah so I poked my head in. The nurse saw me and said they were "getting busy" so I beat it right back to the waiting room.  Josh came out and said Sarah wanted to see me so back I went.  Her contractions were coming pretty rapidly and she was trying to do her breathing with help from Josh and her mom Pamela.  I guess Sarah had a pretty hard time of it from 6 to 7 until she received the epidural shot which made it "easier".  

Sarah found a picture of her I took just after SHE was born plus the little index card with HER details.  They were up on the wall for her to look at in the birthing room.  Pretty cool!

Sarah's baby picture and details card up on the wall

Here is Sarah just after she was born back in 1492!

Back out to the waiting room until just after 11:00 when Josh appeared with tears streaming down his face.  We were a bit worried but he was able to give us the thumbs up and blubber that Mackenzie was here and was "beautiful"!  Awesome news!!!!

Josh has recovered a bit - able to smile.  This was just after his announcement that Mackenzie was here!

The new family got some time to clean up the baby and have some special time with her and then the horde was allowed in.  Pictures were snapped and the proud parents were beaming.  Sarah said she felt great and the ordeal was "almost forgotten".  

First image of Mackenzie

New family

Where am I?

After a few minutes the little sweetie was passed on to the proud papa.  What a little peanut Mackenzie is!


Daddy and his little girl

Sarah working the phone!

She's thinking about it

Official foot prints.

Just because

Headed back home to wait for Connie to get home from work so we could go back to Crown Point so Connie could meet Mackenzie.  

Connie and Mackenzie

She's not happy!  Connie said the blanket slipped down and she was cold.  Maybe so, when she got tucked in she went right back to sleep!

That's better.  

Josh's good friend "Cheddar" got over his fear of holding her and did just fine.

One last shot and we were off to let them all sleep

Mackenzie was taken back to the nursery.  That red thing is a Christmas stocking the hospital gave then to take her home in.  Sarah still has the stocking that SHE came home in (December 22nd birthday) so Mackenzie is going to come home in Sarah's stocking.  THAT IS COOL!



Just talked to Sarah on the phone and Mackenzie was in a few times through the night and was "quite vocal" each time.  She must be hungry - and they are working on teaching her to breast feed.  Sarah and Josh and Mackenzie will go home tomorrow for the first time.  Mackenzie is sleeping with Sarah right now and here is a picture on Day Two!
