Monday, April 4, 2016

2016_04_04 BACK TO MOOREA

Leaving the cruise ship this morning and taking a ferry boat from Tahiti to Moorea (30 minute ride).  We have this afternoon and tomorrow until 2:00p.m. at The Hilton Moorea Lagoon Restaurant and Spa.  We have a bucket list item reserved.  A over-the-water bungalow!

It's 5:30a.m. here right now and I am using the internet from our shared account.  We all hope to have internet individually at the Hilton.  Connie can try to catch up on a week's worth of email's from work.  No contact at all this week.

All bags taken away by ship's personnel last night.  We have to be out of our rooms by 8:00 and then off the ship by 9:30.  So we can have one last breakfast before we get our bags and walk them over to the ferry boat terminal (walking distance from the cruise ship pier).  We will take the 11:30 ferry to Moorea and Hilton will be there to transport us by van to their hotel.

Must be really cold back home.  Not looking forward to coming back to THAT.  Hope to see the Final Four championship game later.  IF they have it on tv at the Hilton.

Rich figured out we could take another ferry boat to Moorea earlier (9:45) so we ate our breakfast and headed to the ferry pier.  A bit of a mixup with bags but eventually we boarded and set sail.

Talking with the "Packer People" at the ferry terminal.  These people from Milwaukee were on the cruise and seemed to be around us on all our excursions.  Now they are going to Moorea for three days at the Bali Hai resort.  More bungalows.

Aremiti Ferry unloaded vehicles and people and we boarded for the trip to Moorea.

Leaving Papeete Harbor

Reef break off Tahiti

Connie looking tan and relaxed!  Her beautiful green eyes are spectacular.

Inside Hilton lobby with a carved Tiki.

Swimming pool.

On the beach with greeting flowers.

By 1:15 we had reached the Hilton - they had 2 vans there to take us and it went flawlessly.  Checked in and had a shared room to dump out stuff in while we hit the beach for a bit.  It's pretty hot and the coral right outside out bungalows not the greatest but......  If we hadn't seen all the other corals we would think this was great.  And guess what - it is.

Connie swimming off our balcony.

Looking towards Cary and Lisa's bungalow.

Inside our bungalow.  Bathroom off to the side.

Rich under our bungalow thru that glass panel.

And some pencil fish?

Not exactly the Auckland Sky Tower plexiglass but pretty cool to look down at the fishes!

Connie on the bungalow deck.

Around 2:00 we were able to move into our individual bungalows.  Rich booked for three of us and we are all in a row facing out to the reef.  Bungalows  99, 98 and 96 (us).  Pretty awesome views.  Cary ind Lisa booked their own and they are also looking to the sea in bungalow 79.

A short while ago room service knocked on our door with a ice bucket and a bottle of champagne and Evian with a box of cookies compliments of Hilton Diamond Honors program.  

We all got a bucket and went over to Richie and Bobi's deck for a party.  Of sorts.

I jumped off their deck into the water for a refreshing dip.  Pretty shallow there - just had to be careful to not step on the coral as I had no flippers or water shoes.

Look how clear the water is here!  Too bad the coral is in such bad shape. 

Dinner tonight at a crepe restaurant.  Not sure if it is just across the street or part of the Hilton.  Maybe a birthday cake for Lisa Claver?  No cake and a interesting dinner of crepes.  We shared a couple of large crepes amongst us for the dinner part and 2 dessert crepes afterwards.  The restaurant WAS on the Hilton property, literally a hundred feet from our bungalow.

Sunset - nice cloud line!

Man, what a difference good internet makes.  Lightning fast here.  I'm just sayin'.  Uploading images in seconds - took 1 1/2 hours to upload 10 or 12 images on the cruise ship.  Starting at midnight to boot!  I hope people enjoys these blogs of mine.  I enjoy doing them!

1 comment:

  1. Great job! Wonderful scenery! I'm looking forward to hearing more about it from Connie when she returns to work.
