Thursday, April 7, 2016

2016_04_06 HOME

Well, We're back!

It took a while but we are back home as of 10:10p.m. on Wednesday night.  Started up a bunch of laundry after unpacking - the world's largest rolling duffels did the job.  Once again I am sure we brought way more to wear than was necessary given the fact that laundry facilities were available all along the way.  

Stayed as long as we could yesterday at the Hilton on Moorea.  Rich got a late checkout for one room and we got our bags out of our rooms at 11:00a.m. and piles them all into his room.  He was allowed a 3:00p.m. checkout so Connie and I hung out at the pool until around 1:30 and went back to shower up.  Couples took turns cleaning up and then went to sit in the lobby until it was time to go.  The Hilton provided us transport back to the ferry terminal (same two large vans that brought us there).

Moorea ferry terminal

Got to the ferry terminal early and waited about a half hour for the 4:45 ferry to arrive.  This ferry was smaller than the one we came over on.  Got to Moorea and Sylvia had sent her daughter Eva and son-in-law Charles to pick us up.  Sylvia took us to the airport before the cruise and Rich hired her to take us around so that we wouldn't have to lug our bags around.  Great plan.  Very nice kids - Charles is in his final year of law school and will become a barrister soon!  Eva helps her mother out with the taxi business.

Papeete street scenes shot out the window.

They took us around downtown Papeete for a while "the city tour" and finally to the Blue Banana Restaurant on the water about 20 minutes past the airport.  Interesting to see that we walked right across Tahiti's version of Lake Shore Drive when we arrived before the cruise!  Not much traffic at 1:00a.m.

Moorea across the way

Canoe racing practice!

Charles pulled over as the sun was setting for one final French Polynesian moment.  Much like Florida, a lot of people were down by the water's edge.  We got a wonderful sunset with Moorea as a backdrop!

Parking lot at Blue Banana

Rich was happy!  The worl'd's largest ice bucket!

Our table on the water.

Painting inside - Botero like!

Blue Banana Kid's Room

Nice Tiki

Afterwards we arrived at the Blue Banana Restaurant - highly recommended on Trip Advisor.  We sat at a table that was actually in a pontoon at the edge of the ocean.  There was a blue spotlight looking down into the water and we got one more fish show from the natural aquarium!  The restaurant was packed and the interior tables were pretty hot!  Good thing we had reserved the outside table with some breezes!  

Sylvia, Eva and Charles.  Very nice people.

After one last great dinner we got back to the airport where Sylvia was there to say goodbye to us all. That was really nice!  She had a shell necklace for all of us as well.  The ladies had time to go to the V.A.T. office and get their paperwork stamped to avoid paying taxes on their pearl purchases.  There was a mailbox in which to post the stamped paperwork in a provided envelope. 

One last burst of spending to rid us of the last of our French Polynesian Francs at the stores!

Rich got us all into the airport lounge where we waited to board our plane for the trip back to Los Angeles on Air Tahiti Nui.  Connie and I had 2 seats on one window/aisle and Richie and Bobi were in the same aisle on the other side of the plane.  2, 4 2 seating arrangement and the space was ok. Not quite United's Mileage Plus space but not really cramped.  The plane was not full and quite a few people in the center 4 section were able to lie down across the seats.  By the time I thought about it they were all "in use".   We were able to get some rest along the way and around 10:00a.m we arrived in Los Angeles.

Said our final good byes to Bobi and Richie and Gayle and Rich and walked over to our terminal - passed thru security one more time and took a bus to the Americal Eagle terminal building.  We had actually been in there before going to Palm Springs one time.  The bus took you right out near the runways!

Our bags were checked through to Chicago so we had to go to Fayetteville, Arkansas first (American never opened a non-stop flight using rewards points.  Somewhere over New Mexico.

Fayetteville terminal.  Location of first Wal-Mart and home of the University of Arkansas.

One last stop before Chicago.

A 3 hour flight got us to Fayetteville and we ate our sandwich with some chips before heading for O'Hare.  Arrived on time around 9:00 and were home by 10:10 - our taxi guy Kamal was there to get us home safely.

A GREAT trip - Rich is already planning our next one - we believe Sri Lanka is next!

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