Wednesday, December 20, 2017

2017_12_25 OFF TO SRI LANKA!


We will begin this year's big adventure next Monday (Christmas Day) flying to Sri Lanka.

Our first flight will take us to Doha, Qatar (13 hours and 10 minutes).  After a couple hour layover we continue forward to Colombo, Sri Lanka - a mere 4 hours.  We are scheduled to arrive around 2:00a.m. on Tuesday morning the 27th their time.

Transport has been arranged to A Resort Like No Other (Great name by the way).  Connie is glad to know that we will be able to grab some rest before waking up that morning.

After a breakfast where we will meet Paul and Laraiane Shore-Suslowitz ( they arrived a couple of hours ahead of us the night before) in the morning for breakfast.  

After breakfast we will be transported to meet up with the other two couples and start the real adventure.  Rich and Gayle Rediker and Richie and Bobi Steingart will be waiting for us after their most excellent adventure to date.  I am sure we will have a lot to catch up on regarding the wedding they attended in Thailand!

More to follow.........

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