Wednesday, December 27, 2017


We had a really action packed day 2 in Sri Lanka.

Up pretty early (again) and had a wonderful buffet breakfast at The Cinnamon Lodge. Afterwards our luggage was loaded into a really nice Nissan Bus.  Connie and I met our guide Maddu and driver Karu for the first time.  The Rediker’s and Steingart’s already had met them when they transported them to The Cinnamon Lodge yesterday.

Our first stop was Sigiriya Lion Rock.  Sigi means lion and riya rock in Sinhalese.  This place is a large rock that was thrust upwards out of the earth by volcanic activity thousands of years ago.  Much like Ayers Rock in Australia, it appears in the middle of  flat rice fields.  It looks quite stunning as you approach it.

The first King of this area used the rock as a palace.  Actually 2
palaces, one atop the rock for the rainy season and another summer palace at ground level.  Water was plentiful during the rainy season but not so easily obtained during the dry summer months.

The 8 of us ready to climb to the top of Sigiriya Rock

A moat surrounded the area.  Water came down from the top of the rock thru irrigation systems and flowed into the moats.

Pools on the lower grounds used by the 500 concubines of the King.  He had one wife and the concubines which were a measure of his wealth. They had no names but were numbered from 1 to ......

Heading towards the rock. Paul SS image.

Our guide for the day at the Park told us that we would climb 2,000 steps to get to the top.  The first half way up was on marble stairs 
that were quarried 30 miles away transported to the rock and carved into the rock. 

The frescos were protected from the elements by this terra cotta "mirror wall".

At the half way mark we were able to see frescoes carved into the rock wall that were images of the King’s comcubines (bare breasted).  I found these image on the internet.  No photos of the frescoes were allowed at the site.

Many other such frescoes were defaced by Buddhist monks after 
they took over once the King moved the capitol city elsewhere.

The naked women offended them and they removed them as best 
they could.  The remaining frescos were very hard to get to back 
then and they survived.

You can see the lions feet on either side of where we were to walk up.

The second half of the way up was on metal stairs that seemed to never end.  Eventually we got to the top and walked around on the 3.9 acre surface.  Wonderful views were available and we spent 
about a half hour resting and enjoying the view.

Buddha image in the distance from the top. 

Looking back down to the pools below where we started.

There were monkeys everywhere up there and along the way up.
They are fearless and are always on the lookout for anything left unattended.

The up and down took us 3 hours - not so bad as the estimate in guide biiks was 45 minutes up and another 45 down.

We next went to the Dambulla CaveTemple which had up walk up 
more stairs to get to the top of another large rock.  At the top were 5 Buddhist Temples carved in caves.  Totally stunning!  Suffice it to say I enjoyed them immensely.

Heading up to the cave temples.

5 temples in a row.

Reclining Buddha image

Feet of the reclining Buddha image

My favorite image

Incredible detail painted on to the ceilings

Back into the bus for yet another drive to the city of Kandy (a large city) with it’s attendant traffic jams.  We drove up to to a high viewing spot after battling extreme traffic.  We eventually spent some time at a huge market before heading over to the Tooth Palace.  We spent a bunch of time there before leaving and arriving at our rooms for the night.  

View of the large man made lake from above

Tons of birds were really loud down by the market

Inside the market

Connie bought cinnamon and pepper from this stall.

Inside The Temple of the Tooth Relic

Buddha image and elephant tusks at a major altar.  This is a very famous temple and many make pilgrimages here.

We are staying at what is basically a B & B called Dazzling Villas.  4 rooms with a common area for dining.  Seems really nice.

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