Monday, October 29, 2012

2012_10_28 Etihad to Abu Dhabi

Quite the interesting flight.  Arrived at O'Hare and spent 30 minutes going through the line to obtain boarding passes. Proceeded to the gate where there was a really long queue of people waiting to board.  It seems that Etihad does not bother with any boarding calls.  First come, first on board.  We had our seats assigned ahead of time so it was really no problem.  Once aboard we settled in for a 12.5 hour flight.  That was the first good news of the night.  I believed the flight was 14.5 hours so we were already ahead of the game.  Still, 12.5 is a pretty long flight.  I was just looking over the people after a little stretching - not to many "gringos" on the plane.  What would you expect.

The plane has a really good personal entertainment screen (one for each person in the seat back).  Tons of movies, t.v. shows, music and games that are all completely on demand.  On some other international flights there were limited movies and you had to wait until the start time cycled around to watch them.  Not here - find something you want to watch and fire it up.  I have watched 3 movies - Dark Shadows, Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World and The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.  There is also power ports for each seat but I didn't try to use them.  Not needed but may take advantage of them on the return trip. I brought a bunch of electronic devices and because of all the entertainment choices didn't touch any of them until I decided to do this on my MacBook

We ate a lot of food - 2 full dinners, a sandwich and even a bag of caramel corn to watch the movies with. Lots of drink choices including wine at no charge.  Even hot chocolate this "morning" with our second meal. Interesting mix of foods, I tried some lamb and we had a couple of vegetarian Indian dishes that were quite tasty. Connie just told me I slept through ice cream bars.  Doh!  I would say that overall the Etihad experience was really good.  The seats didn't have a lot of room in their Coral Class section - "steerage" but the entertainment helped to pass the time.  
We're about an hour from Abu Dhabi - hoping the the New York bunch got off on time (or close to it) and the adventure in the United Arab Emirates will begin.  Our bags are checked through to Kathmandu on tomorrow's flight so we just have to get our overnight bag and carry on's and head for the Hilton Abu Dhabi.  There will be a 32 person bus waiting for us to deliver 10 of us to the hotel.

Just announced 220 miles from Abu Dhabi and we're going to begin the descent.  Powering down……...

Update:  Rediker's N Y plane was to land 15 minutes after us.  We are waiting at the  appointed spot - Starbucks.

Six of the eight eventually got their bags and met us by the Starbucks.  Chio (Ecuador) was not able to solve the visa conundrum and was forced to stay at the Airport hotel with her husband Luis.  Since we are staying there on the return trip we'll find out exactly where it is.

We got to the Hilton around 10:30 and checked in.  Because Rich is a Hilton "fancy pants" we get free wi-fi!  Went for a late walk on the Corniche (along the Arabian Sea) along with quite a few locals.  Cooler now (81 according to smart phones.)  Stopped and Rich bought a kinda gyro kind of plate that had pickled carrots, green beans along with sliced beef.  Everyone shared a little bit of it and now it's time for bed.  Quarter to 12 local time and we're supposed to meet for the breakfast buffet at 6:30.  A few hours of sleep and we'll be off and running.  Good night, John Boy.......

Connie standing in the line of people waiting for arrivals.  Green shirt off to the right.

Rich waving along with Paul Jacobs (middle white shirt) and some locals.

Gayle Rediker looks happy to see us!  Richie and Bobi Steingart coming around the wall in left back.

Rich next to a mural in a underpass heading to the Corniche.
I liked the sepia look.

7 of the eight out along the Corniche.  Pretty blurry but you get the idea.

Rich waiting at the food stand along with a few locals.  Snack was delicious!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

    Al Reem Island Abu Dhabi
