Wednesday, October 31, 2012

2012_11_01 Off To Pokhara

Hello all.  We have already been out of internet range for a while and it's only going to get worse.

I just bought an hour's worth of time so have to be brief.

So far it's been really amazing here in Nepal.  Kathmandu is WAY more crowded than I would have thought.  More like China than what I would have expected.

We will take a short less than an half hour flight in about 3 hours to Pokhara to where we start out on the trekking part of the trip.  For the next 5 days we will not have access to Wi-Fi until we return to Pokhara for a night.  So, I'll try to update a bit more then.

Repacked our bags a bit last night after a really action packed long day yesterday in Kathmandu.

We saw some pretty amazing World Heritage sights.

Gotta roll!

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