Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Got a early start today - breakfast at 7:30 and in the bus by 8:30.  Headed further south seeing school kids coming back to classes after being off all of December.  The traffic was was less than in the mountains.  

We arrived at Bandala National Park and had a 3 hour bird safari.  Very interesting day - our guides were pretty good with English and knew their birds.

Before we even entered the park proper we saw quite a few birds and watched one bird catch and swallow a pretty good sized snake.

Many different types of birds including a rare one that I can’t remember.  The guide was impressed to see it.

Adult hawk eagle.

A bunch of monkeys! 

I see you....

Open-beaked Crane

Parakeet in flight.

Juvenile hawk eagle.

Lobster fishing village on the Indian Ocean

Quite the setting.

Lots of troups of monkeys feeding on flowers near the road.  After a long time riding around we got our first look at the Indian Ocean. The ocean is at the edge of the park.  We got out and walked around 
For a while enjoying the sea breezes.  It was HOT!  Quite the change from up in the mountains.

Buckingham Place from the beach.

The beach.

Welcoming drink.

Our room.  Awesome!

Outdoor bathroom attached to the room.

Owner Nick Buckingham regaled us after our arrival.

We then went to Buckingham Place our beautiful hotel - also on the ocean.  We met the owner Nick Buckingham, originally from London.  He told us his story over lunch - quite the character.  The rooms are magnificent - the best we have had so far.  Too bad we have to move on tomorrow but it was booked solid due to the season.

Enjoyed the pool and went kayaking in the adjacent lagoon very calm and relaxing.

A wonderful dinner and off to bed.

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