Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Heading home 3/08

Blue boobies in silhouette
4 boobies
View out the window at the airport - That's the Ecuadorian flag on the right. Adios, Ecuador!!!
View out our hotel window at about 6:00 in the morning on our final day in Ecuador

We were out of touch from the Internet for quite a while - sorry no posts. Just got back from a nice typical Ecuadorian food dinner in Quito. We're up at 6:00 tomorrow to head to the airport. The mainland of Ecuador is really amazing - the 2 nights we spent in the Andes were pretty spectacular. Once we get back I will update the blog with all we did and anyone interested can take a look. So, we're all alive and well and look forward (somewhat) to our own bed tomorrow night.


Well, it seems Montezuma's revenge has struck. Connie has taken ill in the middle of the night - poor thing. And, once we got home I came down with something as well. 102 temperature and chills you can't believe! I think Connie must have eaten a bad shrimp at the nice Ecuadoran restaurant mentioned above. She made it home a little ashen but was able to eat a little pasta when we returned to good old Chicago. We're both glad this didn't happen earlier in the trip - that could have been real ugly with a capital U.

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