Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wizard Rock, Kicker Rock and Isla del Lobos (Sea Lion Island) 3/03

At the end of another fantastic day. The Row Adventure people led us out to where we could watch our final sunset and opened some wine for a farewell toast.
Richie and Bobi
Rich and Gayle
Luis and Chio
David and Carol

Sun ready to go down, cameras in hand
Three photo takers
This is the end point of Sea Lion Island. This place was ridiculously beautiful. Tons of fish, clear calm waters and sea lions everywhere. I was able to get within 6 inches of a mother and she didn't like it - she blew air bubbles in my face. I have to admit - I jumped back real quick! There were sea lions all over these rocks and we watched babies nursing with the mothers floating on their backs, flippers raised. Lots of birds in the air and on the shore as well.
Here's Rich after scuba diving. Pretty close to that sea lion, eh?
Just about to enter the area of Sea Lion Island.
On the far side of Kicker Rock. We swam into the fracture you see in the rock behind us. It went down, way down and we were able to see the air bubbles floating upwards from Rich and David below us as they scuba dived. Connie said at first she thought it was a huge bunch of jelly fish!
Here's a nice view of Kicker Rock
This is The Cathedral - and Kicker Rock off in the distance.
This is called Wizard Rock. Can you see the profile of the wizard?
Connie about to enter "The Facilities"
Breakfast is served
Connie and Bobi brushing next to the fresh water can.
Connie emerges from Casa Johnson
We had the last two tents on the right. One of the four person tents was broken so we each had a two person tent to ourselves. Lots of tossing and turning and a fitful rest at best.

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