Thursday, September 18, 2014

2014_09_18 Trek Day 2 - Salkantay Lodge

Those who elected to do so took a 4-5 hour 1.500 foot uphill hike to see Humantay Lake.  Here is the group of 12 minus Connie and I.  The lake has spectacular views of Mount Humantay which as you can see has a glacier flowing directly into the lake.  Looks awesome and I have the images without the effort!  "Our people" took 6 hours but they made it!

Connie and I decided to pass and instead walked for about an hour just above the lodge.
The others have just arrived back to the lodge and we will hear all about it at lunch.  Here is a view of The Salkantay Lodge.  All 12 rooms have mountain views.  These horses have just returned from transferring clients luggage forward.  When they got near one horse started neighing and the horses back at the corral all came running.  Pretty cool to see.  That domed building on the right is a sauna.  Covered with a tarp at night they were taking the tarp off when we returned.  Just to the left is a jacuzzi that some used yesterday.  They are going to open it up a half hour earlier for us tonight.

Mount Salkantay showed it's head this afternoon.  We will be walking very near this mountain tomorrow on our big summit trek.  We will cross over at Salkantay Pass, 15,213 feet.  This will be the highest I have ever been on foot.


  1. Gorgeous scenery - I love the hats on the group members! Bummer that Connie's still not feeling well and you have altitude problems. You may want to go back on the Diamox if you're not already. I found that 1/2 of a sleeping pill like Lunesta helps me sleep at altitude, although you don't want to do that on the first night! I hope you both feel better soon.

  2. Ann, We're both doing better - we were able to make it over the Salkantay Pass on Friday. I think it was the hardest thing I ever did!
