Saturday, September 27, 2014

2014_09_27 Following "Dolly Llama"

We bought a little toy llama from a local lady for Mackenzie.  She was outside the train half way from Lake Titicaca to Cusco where the train apparently stops every day.  I decided to call the llama Dolly - ha.  Well it turns out it is really an alpaca but Dolly it will remain.......  I hope

Here is Dolly at various stages of our trip:

Here she is with her bag of goodies.  I just love the hat - how it stays on her head is a mystery to me.

We asked for a picture of her after the deal went down.  Our llama/alpaca is brown though so this image is for demonstration purposed only.

Dolly at Palacio Nazarenas with chocolates.  Sorry Dolly I ate them!

Dolly with some other chocolates. I ate then too.

On a bookmark.

In the window at Salkantay Lodge.

With a towel elephant.

Hanging out with the other dollies.

With a pair of swans.

 Ready for a trek?  Hat and poles at the ready.

Finally, at Machu Picchu!  

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