Friday, February 18, 2011

Sa Pa fog

Picking up the bikes

H'Mong ahead on the road

Rice paddy terraces

Dong, Gayle and Connie (and a pig)

Water buffalo and vegetable garden

Dong explaining a burial crypt

Entering the festival village

View from our balcony this morning

Same view a minute later!

Yesterday we started in the town of Lao Cai (altitude 1600 meters- 5,249 feet) and drove to Sa Pa (altitude 3142 meters - 10,308 feet). As we approached Sa Pa we went into an intense fog bank that never really lifted. As we biked lower into the valley we eventually left the fog. That valley was essentially the same altitude as Lao Cai. When we got back to Sa Pa at the end of the day we were back in it. When we walked to dinner last night you could barely see the people set up at the market to sell their wares. Water was actually dripping off the tarps over some of the stalls. I just checked the weather and it's still 99% humidity up here.
Today we will drive an hour to Tran Tom Pass (Heavens's Gate) that is very close to the Chinese border. As described "provides great views of the Hoang Lien Valley". Right, as it's even higher than Sa Pa. A 26 kilometer (1.5 hour glide) down hill to Bihn Lu Junction follows. We will visit villages of many hill tribes. After lunch we visit anothe Thai village to explore "The Fairy Cave" before we're transported back to Sa Pa.

I just looked out and saw that the fog had lifted and grabbed the camera. 2 images, within a minute of each other. Fog's back again. I'll post a few images in the fog from yesterday so you can see what it was like biking down to the festival.

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