Monday, February 28, 2011

2/28, 3/1 Heading home

Emerald Buddha in Chiang Rai - Solid jade with gold adornments

Bright and fresh in the Chiang Rai Airport

Bangkok Airport, just before customs

Waiting for flight to Singapore from Bangkok

We're here!

Just arrived at Changi Airport in Singapore - it's 2:00 in the morning here on the 1st. Connie already "resting" on a leather recliner in a travel lounge. No beds available at the Travel Hotel. I wanted to send emails as this was our first chance at wi-fi. Didn't work in Thai airports. Flight to Hong Kong in 5 hours - we can have a shower in the travel hotel area just before we fly out for $8. Seems like any $ would have been fair to me!

Changi Airport seems to be a pretty good place to have a layover - lots of shopping.....

So far, so good. Only too may hours to think about "today" Hopefully more from Hong Kong!

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