Monday, February 28, 2011

3/1 "Morning" in Singapore, then Hong Kong - We're home

Earlier this morning in Hong Kong Airport

This was first stop after Thailand. Changi Airport in Singapore. Slept a little bit on the "recliner sofas", about 3 hours....... Heading for the showers in a few.

We're on United from here on out. Flight 0896 departs Singapore at 6:40 a.m. (1 hour and 25 minutes from now) and arrives in Hong Kong at 10:30. AFter a 1 hour layover (we don't change planes) we head for Chicago and arrive 12 hours later. We are scheduled to arrive at 11:40 a.m. Chicago time on 3/1. Ah, the wonders of the date line!

No time to post in Hong Kong - Had to clear customs and get right on the plane.

Just walked in the door an hour ago. L O N G flight(s) home but we're here. I think we've basically been traveling for about 30 hours with a few hours sleep in between.

Starting to wash some clothes and then off to bed.

Safe and sound after a wonderful vacation!!!!!

Just thinking, never thought I'd eat fermented water buffalo hide paste (and it was delicious). Used as a dip for sticky rice. Yum!

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