Sunday, February 20, 2011

2/21 La Residence Phou Vao

Balcony breakfast area

Bed, duh

Bathroom, with geek taking image

Pool at La Residence Phou Vao

Baggage in lobby

Our plane at the Ha Noi Airport

Exiting the over night train

Dining car this morning. Coffee and tea.

Took the overnight train from Sa Pa and transferred to the Ha Noi Airport. Just arrives at La Residence Phou Vao. Pretty swank. Heading for the pool - it's HOT here! YES! says Connie. Spa treatments @ 4:00, relaxation in between. More later........


  1. Hi Uncle Harvey and Aunt Connie. Trip looks great so far! Please keep the pictures and the posts coming. Hope you guys are getting some much deserved relaxation/sun time after what looked like an action packed few days. If you get on bikes again make sure to stay clear of any water buffalo amidst the fog.

  2. Hi Harvey - I am a friend/co-worker of Connie. I stayed at the Phao Vao 4 years ago. I'm glad you stayed there - it's a wonderful hotel! I also did the overnight train from Ha Noi to Sa Pa - I didn't know they had a dining car!! All I remember is bouncing back and forth all night long! I'm enjoying reading your blog and seeing your photos. I really loved SE Asia - especially Laos and Burma.

    Ann Schneider
