Sunday, February 13, 2011

Getting real close now.......

Tomorrow it's good bye to all of this!

Finishing up the packing and tomorrow the adventure begins. We arrive in Hanoi on Wednesday morning 1:00am on the 16th. (That's around noon Tuesday here). We'll be in the Shanghai airport 14.5 hours after we take off and I'll see if I can update this blog or Facebook to let everybody know we've arrived. Really looking forward to this - expectations are real high! Connie has a new phone from work that allegedly will be able to call internationally. We'll see - the problem is when we arrive in Shanghai it will be 2a.m. over here so you'd probably not want a call! (We have a 7.5 hour layover in Shanghai so I can try to connect). I'll try to post something on Facebook but the Chinese are finicky about some social networking sites. At the worst we should have access to the internet when we arrive at our hotel in Hanoi. So, until then "La gohn" or "Sok dee" (good bye or see ya in Lao) or "Mai mot gop lai" (we'll meet again soon in Vietnamese).

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