Monday, March 14, 2016



Here is a image of the image they took of us as high as we went this morning on the Sydney Bridge Climb!  Simply amazing views from on high.  Perfectly safe, never was the slightest bit uncomfortable!  The Sydney Opera House is right there in the background.

This day is finally over (in a good way).  Long day started with the Sydney Bridge Climb.  We had our buffet breakfast at The Four Seasons and walked about ten minutes to the bridge climb office.  

Here we are outside the Bridge Climb starting point.

At 9:10 (almost exactly) we were briefed about the bridge climb.  First off, no phones or cameras allowed.  Since you are walking above 8 lanes of traffic and two train lines the chance of dropping something is pretty good.  First off a breathalyzer test to make sure you were sober.  Our guide then handed out jump suits and we went thru a metal detector to make sure nothing was being snuck in.  If the detector beeped you were wanded.  Then into another room where a belt was slipped over your head and cinched up.  This belt had a tether on it that attached to a cable that was not disconnected until the end of the climb.  

We started upwards for a bit and then started walking under the bridge platform where the cars were driving.  We were on narrow catwalks that gave you a sense of security.  You walked towards the harbor itself (half way across the bridge) and then progressively higher on the bridge structure.  Our guide was pretty informative and dryly humorous.  

At the highest point we walked across to the other side of the bridge where the group photo (above) was taken.  So basically we went to one level under the highest point on the bridge and only about halfway through the bridge.  We went back to where we had started on the other side of the bridge to where we started.

We took off the belt and jumpsuits and collected our group photo which was included in the ticket.  You got to keep a Bridge Climb cap as well.

We were in a bit of a hurry and waiting outside for us in a small bus was Andrew the owner of Sydney Harbour Cruises.  He took us to Rose Bay where our day long harbor cruise was to start.  Andrew has a job as a policeman and takes people on harbor cruises when he is off duty.  Nice guy - really accommodated our group as we started the cruise about an hour later due to the bridge climb.

Here's Andrew telling us one of his many stories.

Along the way Andrew showed us a bunch of celebs' homes.  This is Russell Crowe's penthouse (the entire first floor). 

A row of Australian naval ships are lined up right next to Russell Crowe's house.

Headed over towards the Sydney Bridge and the Opera House.

Close up of the tiles that make up the Opera House roof.

We stopped for a lunch - Fish and chips a salad and a drink and then headed over to Manley.

A surfer at Manley Beach.  Way over in the left part of the frame.
Back in the boat to a remote beach that we only stayed at a short  there as there was a brush fire (controlled burn) directly above the beach.  Really smokey there so we went to yet another beach where some swam a bit.  

Headed to another stop where we walked up to the top of some cliffs.  It began to rain a bit so we headed back to a pub on the beach for a libation.  Nice view back towards downtown Sydney and the bridge.

Returned quickly to Rose Bay where we were all taken back to our hotels at the end of a wonderful day.

After dinner tonight we took a short walk to see the Bridge and Opera House lit up at night.

Time for sleep!  Up early tomorrow.  Taking train to Sydney International Terminal for 3 hour flight to Queenstown, New Zealand!  On to Kiwi Land!


  1. Mackenzie wants to know if you found Nemo in Sydney

    1. Mackenzie wants to know if you found Nemo in Sydney

  2. Looks like a really cool bridge. Too bad you could take pictures from above!
