Tuesday, March 29, 2016

2016_03_29 FAKARAVA

Made it to 5:45 this morning when I got up to get online to check emails and update the blog.  Had a bit of stomach issues last evening after dinner but hopefully it has calmed down for our day on Fakarava!  A very light breakfast this morning from room service should do the trick.  We can order room service any time and when we are going for early excursions it helps to have the food delivered to your cabin.  On more leisurely days we mostly meet in a dining room for a more prepared menu breakfast.  They should be coming at 7:30 with a bagel for me - not sure what Connie ordered.  We get a call from room service saying that they are on their way a few minutes before they arrive.

After that we are to meet around 8:00 at Rich's cabin to take the first tender to the island and meet up with Frederick for a private boat tour of the island.  Frederick speaks only French and Rich has been communicating with him via email using Google translate.

Online description of Fakarava:

"Welcome to paradise!  One of the largest and most beautiful atolls in French Polynesia, Fararava is the stuff of South Seas fantasy.  Heavenly white and pink sand, ruffled coconut trees and an unbelievable palette of lagoon blues are the norm here".  

Went to balcony and saw THIS:

Fakarava is a HUGE corral atoll island into which the Oceana Marina sailed this morning.  I think Rich Rediker said that the atoll was about 65 kilometers around.  We were going to snorkel near one of the “gates” into the atoll (The South Gate).  
The North gate was all the way across the atoll and it would take quite a while to get to so we will only snorkel at the one.

Today was another private snorkel trip and it was sick!  More later about that…….

Frederick and Mani

Took the first tender to the pier and Frederick was there waiting for us.  He had another tour as well so he passed us off to his three nephews and a niece for our tour.  Mairiia (Mani) was the young lady who spoke English best.  One brother was Noah (the pilot) and names of the other two people will have have to help me with. 

Before we boarded the boat we were serenaded by Polynesian musicians and dancers.  

I should mention that my water camera was really acting up again today.  It got wet with sea water two days ago and I thought it was ok.  Today it kept flickering on and off.  So to take any image you had to turn it on and shoot really fast.  I am relying on Bobi Steingart for images.  The images above were Bobi's.

Headed out to sea and got to the first snorkeling spot.  They had flippers so I was able to get in the water with everyone else.  For this first swim I used a round life ring which I soon realized I didn’t need with the flippers.  We swam for about 20 minutes and headed back to the boat.  Coral had seen better days!  Nice selection of fish though.  I believe that this reef was still better than the one on Moorea.  Back to the boat to try and get back in up a really small ladder.  The nephews help to drag us back on board.

Stopped at snorkel spot number 2.  Ditched the life ring and swam around quite easily.  Site 2 was even better than the first one.  Corals in much better shape and Connie and I felt like we were in a starter salt water aquarium.  TONS of blue damsel fish swimming around and into huge brain corals.  Really nice spot.  

This tiny island was on the way to the Blue Lagoon!

We headed to the Blue Lagoon next for lunch.  Along the way the lads went in with spears to catch fish for out meal!  A Parrotfish and 3 or 4 others I don’t remember.  

THIS was the Blue Lagoon!

Looks like a post card!  Right on the beach where we ate.

Look at those colors.

Rich Rediker ashore.

Richie Steingart with a big clam shell

Bobi Steingart, Lisa and Cary Claver

The spread, with our hosts.  I completely missed this - sleeping.

This lagoon was ridiculously beautiful with varying shades of blue corresponding to the depth of the water.  Here’s why I said it was sick.  So was I - last night around 3 a.m. I started having stomach troubles.  Must have been something I ate last night.  So I had absolutely no interest in any of the food.  I pretty much lay down on a towel and slept while the others ate.  After my nap I felt much better and almost all of the stomach ache was gone.  

Beautiful coral reef around this small island

That splash is Bobi Steingart and Richie Steingart readies to head in.

That's Frederick the Uncle in the back of the other boat.

Back in the boat where we headed to snorkel spot number three.  I didn’t go in this time and the others said that this spot was the  beat one!  Of course.  I was pretty tired and just wanted to rest.

Headed back towards the Oceana Marina off in the far distance and we stopped at a fourth snorkel site along the way.  All decided that had had enough so we bypassed that one. Got back to the pier, boarded the tender and a few minutes later back on the cruise ship and civilization.

Separate diners plans tonight.  Rediker's and Clavers for a fancy wine pairing meal and Steingart’s and Connie (maybe me) at the Grand Dining Room.  I’ll see how I feel about food in a couple of hours.  I feel hungry, maybe bowl of chicken soup?  If they have something so simple.

Dinner went well. Chicken Consommé soup with some rice and it feels pretty good.  Even had a bit of Pina Colada ice cream.

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