Tuesday, March 22, 2016

2016_03_23 LARNACH CASTLE!

Had a nice breakfast (too much as usual) before we met Nick and Carlos to go for a bike ride..

Nick threw down his bike and took this image of the biking crew.  Carlos appears disinterested.

The fog was pretty thick - just like last night driving in to the castle.  Nick said that where we were up at the top was the only place where there was still fog.

That's the bay from pretty much up at the top.

Pacific Ocean, still cloud covered.

That's Nick with a few of the group.

Started down, down down all the way to the Pacific Ocean at the end of the Otago Peninsula.  Fortunately for us almost the entire way was downhill.  Carlos went with us for a while and then headed back up to get the van and trailer.  He met us down at the bottom and brought us back to the castle at the end of the ride.

Walking on the beach at the Pacific Ocean.  Colder and windy!

The weather cooperated all the way to the end when a cold front came thru and brought back the fog once more.  The ride was mostly uneventful just a couple crashes (me included) but just slow motion in my case.  Just embarrassing more than anything.

A few had problems with some of the gravel road downhills but all in all pretty smooth.  I think we only rode about 8 or 9 miles in all.

Infant penguin was in there.  Trust me.

It was really pretty windy at the end on the beach.  We saw a infant penguin in a nesting hole but all you could see was his (or her) eyes blinking.  Not supposed to get too near to their nest.

Talking with Carlos we found he is a Phd. candidate studying to be a Zoologist with a specialty in birds (Ornithology).  His thesis is about one specific type of New Zealand wren and it reproductive habits.  Talked with him for quite a while - pretty interesting!

That's Carlos loading up the bikes.

Rich Rediker through the bikes!

Bikes getting loaded up.

Returned to Larnach Castle and ate a sandwich we had made from the breakfast buffet for lunch.  Going on the castle tour in a bit and then relaxing a bit before dinner in the grand dining room of the castle!  Already made our meal choices - should really be good.  I'm hoping for the Downton Abbey serving treatment.  Ha!

Larnach Castle in the fog!

Front entrance - pretty swank!

Connie the lion and a cabbage tree!

Detail from front porch.

Connie and Laraine heading back to the stables for lunch.

Our room in the stables.  It helps to be shorter.

Breakfast here on the first floor of the stables.  Like the brick floor.

The stables at Larnach Castle.  Where the horses had it better than us!  Joke.

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